The Yaks of Tshoka

During my stay at Tshoka, we the students of HMI were to stay at the altitude of approximately 3000 meters to acclimatize. We had classes about how to maintain a hygienic life in the mountains to keep ourselves and the surroundings clean. The evening I walked around the village looking for something that I could draw and mainly to observe how life in this remote corner of the world is. I sat down looking for some domestic Yaks and Horses that I knew live there along with the local people. I managed to sit in front of a yak as he peacefully grazed on a slope. I imagined how would it look like if the giant mountains around the Tshoka village rested upon a Yak. How well would we conserve what all we have if we only start looking a little differently? The Jos and Jomus gave us time to rest as they moved on our trail when we were trekking up to the HMI base camp. Staring at these domestic animals from afar, in the mountains is quite an experience and to sit and notice how they live is a sight to be cherished completely. I urge everyone to sit and look at the minute things when you are in the mountains – it gives us a lot of new perspectives!

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