The Reason
“What is making you smile?”
“What are you thinking about? ”
“Did you remember a joke ?”
“Are you high? ”
“Have you gone mad?” People ask when I smile like a goofball ! “I am just happy” I reply!
To my surprise , they hit me with another question, “Why? What happened?”
Shouldn’t this be a question you ask someone when they’re sad?
Do I need a reason to be happy? A reason to smile?
Do I need to put on my stupid smile only when someone cracks a joke? Or when someone compliments me? Or tells me that the class got cancelled ? Or says “yes” to my proposal?
I guess not .
What I feel is, everything is neutral ,
The colours, the air , the light and the darkness .
Nothing is supposed to make us feel a certain way, it’s just the way we perceive it !
We associate darkness with fear,
and light with strength .
But I have seen artists embracing darkness and being the happiest and the strongest souls ever !
I’ve seen handicapped people working harder and leading a healthier life than the people with perfect bodies !
I’ve seen old people waking up before me, working out and grinding more than me!
We create our limits ,
We put limits to our state of mind , And we tell ourselves that it’s not the time to be happy, and that we must be sad and unsatisfied !
And That’s stupid !
Because It’s all in the mind !
For you can create happiness ,
that’s the beauty of it ! 🙂