Spotting wildflowers in the Himalayas; our top five

Riding into the Himalayas will give you a glimpse of some of the rarest flowers, astonishing beauties that you will not find anywhere else. Speaking of Himalayan flowers, the first that comes to mind is the Rhododendron, which is also the National Flower of Nepal. But there are a lot other rare Indian flowers that you can find in the lap of the Himalayas that remain unknown to most people. Ask anyone who studies flowers and he or she will tell you that Himalayan flowers are enigmatic, and some of the most beautiful.

Here are five such Himalayan flowers that you can spot during your travels.

Wild Rose

Spotting wildflowers in the Himalayas; our top five
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You will find these all across the Himalayas, these white and pink flowers can mostly be seen around the month of May. You will find these in Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, and even in Bhutan. These flowers have a strong scent, and they can be used for perfume bases as well.


Commonly known as the Himalayan strawberry, these native Himalayan flowers have a 1 cm round red berry. These have five broad petals, and are white in colour. Fragaria flowers season is from April to June, and then they give way to strawberries. The leaves of the strawberry plant are used for herbal tea.

Himalayan Monkshood

Spotting wildflowers in the Himalayas; our top five
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These beautiful bright blue flowers stand tall at 1 to 4 ft in height. The leaves have large rounded teeth, and the flowers stand in clusters. They are found all around Indian Himalayas, and Nepal Himalayas, and have medicinal value. Hence, they are used for Ayurvedic medicines. They are related to Greenish Himalayan Monkshood that have greenish-violet flowers.

Himalayan Thimbleweed

Spotting wildflowers in the Himalayas; our top five
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These gracious little flowers are beautiful, and its flowers bloom around May to July. You will find them in white, blue, and yellow, and they have 5-7 petals. These are commonly found in forests, open slopes and shrubberies, and have basal leaves.

Beautiful white flowers with a tinge of pink, the Himalayan Anemone are perennial flowers. You can spot them from afar, in the months from June to September when they are in full bloom. There are different types of Anemone, such as blue, white, and more but the white-pink flowers are especially attractive.

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