Khirsu: Hidden gem of Pauri Garhwal

Surfing the net for a weekend getaway in the lap of nature away from the humdrum of routines of Delhi life, I came across Khirsu. Situated at an altitude of 1700 meters at Pauri Garhwal district of Uttrakhand, the place silently promised for soul rejuvenating experience. Though not much information was given about this place and it was repeatedly mentioned “the place is not much explored”, it rather made it more captivating, somewhere I was willing to go.

As always, there were no prior bookings done and I got a big NO at GMVN tourist lodge for on the spot room availability on reaching Khirsu. I kept up the hope and after half an hour of exploring, I finally got a room at Taj Himalaya tourist rest house. The view from my balcony was too enchanting with terrace fields and minimal huts in the sight. The silence was too deciphering and was broken only by the hustles of the chirping birds.

I followed a narrow trail from my rest house which was heading into the village followed by the dense forests of pine and oak, a beautiful park and forest reserve nursery. There are not many tourist spots to explore at Khirsu and it’s kind of gem of its own.  After walking a mile into the village I came across an old school building and a large playground.

Since it was a Sunday, the school was closed and I was able to intrude the playground and reached Ghandiyal Devta temple. The aura there was too peaceful and after spending a few moments, I headed towards the park which was too clean and green and to my surprise very well maintained by the management.

After filling my lungs with ounces of oxygen, I happened to come across the forest reserve nursery and my heart was filled with immense gratitude for the local villagers working as they put their sweat and blood in maintaining the flora and fauna of this green jewel, they are serving their best for the mankind, in fact, the whole ecosystem for that matter.

Witnessing the simple lifestyle of the blessed souls in this part of the earth makes one wonder that how naturally gifted the people living in Khirsu are, so untouched, so contented, so lucky to be away from the rat race of cities and I thank God for considering me to be a part of this paradise.

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