In a Distant Country Sheltered By Mountains.

Tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people run from one point to another in search of tranquility in their lives.

So here I am, looking for some kind of escape from everyday routine. I travel a lot… and by “a lot” I mean I use all chances to go as far as my wallet allows. I found myself learning nothing in my trivial world so I broke away and got out in the midst of nature to learn more about life there. Tibet is one of the places that I always was curious to know about and is definitely one of the unique destinations in the world.  For me, as a western cultured, Tibet felt like another planet and I definitely was an alien there. Moreover, I had no expectations and had let myself collapse in all the mystique colors, religion, and history.

In a distant country, sheltered by mountains, the winds took me to places where time stops, mountains welcome you to their abode and it feels like homecoming and where the simplicity in poise and wildness in thoughts become a necessity. It was then I came to know that memories are the best thing I could ever possess.

Every night I dream of flying – lake after lake, mile after mile.

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