Himalayas – Finding Ones Calling

Here is my take on the topic – Are mountains calling us or it’s ones calling which lead us to path of mountains.

“Mountains are calling and I must go holds no significance. Mountains called no one but rather its one’s own calling which lead us to them”

The above quote is so ironic as my last post was about “Call of Mountains” – https://goo.gl/dLtwX3

Over the past few months, I have been contemplating on moving away from the urban madness we all are surrounded by, far into wilderness fenced by mountains. Moving away from the typical corporate trap we all fall into. The thoughts which lead us to outperform one another and be as competitive as possible leading to lot of clutter inside our mind. In this competitive world, we often survive rather than live. We end being the person who we are not and often rearrange ourselves to adopt to this fast-developing society minus human values.

This one-off search during 2016, catapulted me to the land of Himalayas. The Himalayan region in Nepal is one such place where both peace and drama unfold in front of us. The place makes us realize the true meaning of living is not in being competitive or having materialistic things but self-understanding of how happy we are with things we have. That is when I decided, I will need to come back to Himalayas for myself whenever I see myself drifting apart. Like me, many are finding solace in the mountains.

Everest Base Camp
Everest Base Camp – Bharani Mehta

2018 Everest Base Camp trek was one such life changing experience. The sheer sight of Everest fighting the altitude at 17,500ft, cold weather, the sound of wind hitting the snowcapped mountains and nostalgic clang of yak bells, the overwhelming joy of reaching the base camp surrounded by world’s largest mountains – It was everything I had ever dreamed it could be. Waking up surrounded by mountains just makes you feel alive as the place has no negativity & it declutters your mind.

Every time I travel to catch the glimpse of Himalayas, I travel to escape from the reality of this society for a while only to come back stronger.

~~~ Bharani Mehta ~~~

Everest Base Camp Trek – Bharani Mehta
Everest Base Camp - Bharani Mehta
Everest Base Camp – Bharani Mehta

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